Cars Guide: Building an attribution model through their contact centre.
With marketing costs rising Cars Guide needed a robust system to be able to attribute leads back to there source marketing campaign.
About Cars Guide
CarsGuide is an online marketplace and content platform based in Sydney, Australia. The company specializes in automotive sales and purchases, as well as car news, advice and reviews.
Client Industry:
Online marketplace
Size of company:
50+ employees
Sydney - Australia

Project Summary
Cars guide approached Cloudwave due to the attribution challenges they were facing with there existing systems and the desire to implement a contact centre solution that provided flexibility for growth and provided the technical ability to solve the marketing lead attribution challenges they faced.
The marketing and sales leads being generated by the cars guide marketing campaigns were not being attributed accurately back to the source given agents had no method to make the attribution nor did the current system provide and automation, hence they were unable to prove their value into their Australia wide dealer network.
Having to integrate with each dealers technology and telco set up across Australia meant Cloudwave needed to build and deploy a contact centre solution that was a platform agnostic to telecommunications provider and hardware it would be run on plus an innovative solution and reporting capability.
Cars Guide Challenges
CarsGuide approached Cloudwave with a unique set of challenges that required our solution architects to design an construct a market leading cloud contact centre.
Cars Guide had three major challenges and objectives of the project and supplier partnership, these can be summarised as;
Needed a partner with the engineering and development skill set to come up with an innovative solution.
The ability to attribute the origin of calls when they reached the car dealer network (proving the value of the Carsguide business).
Wanted a credible partner that worked with the best of breed technology companies in the customer experience market.

Helping Cars Guide deliver visibility on their ROI to their dealer network through cutting edge cloud contact centre technology
Using the experience of the team at Cloudwave we managed to build a world class solution that enabled Cars Guide to overcome all of their technology and contact centre challenges without compromise.
The solution was scoped and built for the business to begin roll out within 3 months, with the full implementation completed within 6 months. Cloudwave supported Cars Guide through the entire process from scoping exercises to build strategy and finally implementation and support.
Cloudwave implemented a brand new IVR solution into the Cars Guide infrastructure which allowed a unique identification tag to pull through with the inbound call, this innovative approach resolved Cars Guide attribution challenges.
Cloudwave built an open ended solution that has the ability to scale and grow with the business. The open platform allows itterations of current modules and ability to add other features all moulded around the needs of the business.
Cloudwave provide 24x7 support to Cars Guide to ensure delivery of SLA's and maximising up-time of the contact centre solution.
What Cars Guide Say
Jeremy Gupta - Cars guide - CTO
Jeremy explains the three reasons why they took the decision to choose Cloudwave as their implementation partner;
Engineering Skill Set
Their pre and post sales service
Extensive partner network

Technology Used
Using a combination of 3 of the most powerful technologies in the cloud contact centre space, Cloudwave were able to implement a best in class contact centre solution.

Following delivery of the project Cars Guide experienced a number of extremely positive results relating to their business and their customers.
Dealers saw an unprecedented spike in the volume of new sales leads they were receiving
End to end reporting capabilities achieved from customer lead to dealer acceptance of lead showing vast business value and improvements in backbone of the Carsguide business model and value proposition
Technical management of call quality, detailed segment by segment analysis of the call via advanced recording and analytics
Cars guide differentiated itself in the market leading to a high valuation acquisition by eBay