CX Engage
Serenova’s cloud contact center solution was built with the everyday challenges that contact centers face in mind.
The cloud is the foundation for CxEngage’s unified architecture which marries all your systems, data, and processes. This is in sharp contrast to on-premises and siloed systems which are often nightmares of inefficiency due to lack of integration and their inability to share data.
One of CxEngage’s core building blocks is stability. You need to trust that your contact center solution will be up and running when you need it. Serenova uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) for their infrastructure backbone, which gives it outstanding reliability.
Since CxEngage is a unified platform, data is gathered from disparate systems (like your CRM) so you can easily create your own reports, view trends, make decisions, and have an impact. You’ll finally have a single source of truth you can trust.

Eliminate Data Silos
The cloud is the foundation for CxEngage’s unified architecture which marries all your systems, data, and processes. This is in sharp contrast to on-premises and siloed systems which are often nightmares of inefficiency due to lack of integration and their inability to share data.
Insightful Analytics
Say goodbye to relying on a team to pull reports from multiple systems and wrangle data so it makes sense. Since CxEngage is a unified platform, data is gathered from disparate systems (like your CRM) so you can easily create your own reports, view trends, make decisions, and have an impact. You’ll finally have a single source of truth you can trust.
Rock-Solid Stability
One of CxEngage’s core building blocks is stability. You need to trust that your contact center solution will be up and running when you need it. It uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) as their infrastructure backbone, which gives it outstanding reliability.

With the acquisition of workforce management (WFM), Serenova is once again redefining the evolution of the contact center market to help our customers keep pace with evolving consumer demands.